Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Lot of Catching Up to Do. . . . .

But I will try to get back to being a more regular blogger. I still want to talk about these things:

1. Celebrate Creativity Artist Inspirational Retreat

2. Madera Wine Trail

3. Ramos Torres Winery in Kingsburg

4. Reedley Christmas Art Show

Tomorrow, I'll try to begin at the beginning and start the longish road to catching up! If by some chance I don't get to blog tomorrow, I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday. Keep your sights on the things that you have to be truly thankful for, each and every day. . . . .

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A leader or a follower?

I hope that you are both! A leader who will lead others to my blog and a follower who will become a supporter of both this blog and also the Art Stand Gallery blog. I am looking forward to seeing the list of followers grow in number and I will try to be a better blogger to give you some good content to read about and some good photographs to look at.

Friday, November 13, 2009

"Holiday Spirit" Weekend/Madera Wine Trail

Hello to all! What a busy life this is! I want to blog about the Celebrate Creativity weekend and I will write more about it, very soon. But today, I am preparing for the Madera Wine Trail weekend which is tomorrow and Sunday. I will be located at Birdstone Winery which is very near the iintersection of Avenue 9 and Road 36, not far into Madera County.

I will be there both days this weekend, from 10 AM till 5 PM. I will have my large wine paintings, a lot of prints and cards, and a lot of small originals, not necessarily wine-related. I think it will be a lot of fun, but at the moment I'm thinking it's going to be quite cold as it's outside. Brrrrrr! But maybe it will warm up and be a gorgeous fall day. This morning it is foggy because it rained yesterday.

Roy had to go back to work--he thought he was done for the season!--and on his birthday today, too. But off he went. We'll celebrate with dinner out when he gets home this evening.

Pack, pack, pack, cut (mats), cut, cut, load, load, load. . . .

More soon--

Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Celebrate Creativity" Weekend--Artist Inspirational Retreat, 2009

Well, my dear friends, the weekend is over and I really hate to see it end. All 3 days were great--good people, good art, good food, good times, good fun. All good, in my estimation. My feet are tired and I am going to sleep in a bit in the morning, and then I'm going to "regroup" a little and get back to my own painting since I have some goals to make some progress on.

I'll post photos and more details of the weekend very soon. Next year, we decided we'll call the weekend "Artaholics Anonymous" and also that we'll try to get together to play long before next November. Maybe once a month, after the holidays--can we do it? We can try!