Saturday, April 1, 2017

Anticipating April! (And Remembering INTEGRATION!)

Here we are, already in the fourth month of a year that seems as though it just began yesterday. With no more "Sanger Art Hop and Shop", I'm being responsible for the activities at "Mixed Messages" ART only and I'm trying to do a better, more focused job of making them interesting and continuing to work on integration of projects and effort in 2017. April is shaping up like this:

April 1st (Saturday and today!)--no activities on the calendar, just me making sure YOU know what is coming up this month and in future months.

April 8th (Next Saturday)--2 featured artists that I'm very pleased to tell you about.

Inside the gallery will be Karilee Mayer of Clovis, creating and revealing Pysanky (Ukrainian/Russian) Eggs, just a week before EASTER!  Time? 11 AM till 4 PM.
 Outside the gallery--and hopefully it will NOT rain!--will be Don Munshower of Fresno (Sunnyside, actually, which isn't far from Sanger at all) with his "Mesmerizing Mobiles". This is also from 1-4 PM and during that time period, Don will be selling some of his older mobiles at great prices, talking to people about the mobiles, answering questions, and taking signups for his mobile-making class to be held on April 22nd and 29nd--see more information below!

On April 15th, inside at "Mixed Messages" ART, I will be hosted the Annual Indoor "Mixed Messages" ART Easter Egg Hunt. Each guest will hunt for their own special egg and open it to find out what prize they will receive. It might be candy, it might be a free item from the gallery, or it might be a discount on their total purchase for the day. Whatever it is, we always have fun hopping around the gallery from 1-4 PM.
On April 22nd, from 11 AM till 5 PM, Don will be teaching Day 1 of his class, "To Balance or Not to Balance, THAT is the Design Question!" Day 2 will be the next Saturday, 
April 29th from 11 AM till 4 PM. Here are more details about the class--

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