Friday, February 6, 2009

Affirmations for Artists in Today's Economy from Alyson B. Stanfield and

When you need affirmations as an artist, here is a short podcast to visit. . . . and revisit. This is the first time I've added something like this to my blog. That steep learning curve is still in evidence.

The site is a good one to visit for all kinds of marketing tips, tools, and techniques when you need motivation and inspiration. Check it out!

Today, we cleaned and set up The Art Stand Gallery for our Blossom Trail season. Then I went south to Visalia to hear the Tulare County Symphony concert. It was really good and I enjoyed the concert, as usual, but I only painted for about a half hour today. Tomorrow is another day, as someone (Rhett Butler in "Gone With the Wind"?) playing a famous part once said.

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