Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wow! What a steep learning curve. . . .

I can't believe how much I've already learned, just since starting this little blog a few days ago! Tonight I was successful in adding a slide show of 10 paintings at the bottom and also a counter. Yesterday, I tried to do both and couldn't make either one "happen". But I got it today. Yippee!

Rather than send out a notification to everyone that I want to know about "Mixed Messages," I chose 12 people to send it to as a sort of trial run. So far, people have sent back positive responses and have been able to successfully navigate it so I guess I'm on the right track. What I can already see is that I'm going to have to get busy both painting and with the camera to be able to add an image each time I post because once I've used an image with a post or in the slide show (gallery) I will try to NOT use it again. (Off she goes. . . to paint or charge the camera. . .  AND to get her "ducks all in a row!")


  1. The slide show looks great and the counter will be interesting to watch.
    You should let Maryanne and David know. He'd love the wine paintings.

  2. Slide show looks great and watching the counter should be interesting.
